2014年4月27日 星期日


Image Source: eat a good life










Rice cakes翻成中文可以是麻糬也可以是年糕,但因為是日本玄怪故事,所以選麻糬。

April 27, 2014

The following story is an excerpt from Japanese Tales by Royall Tyler, page 177 (1987, first edition).  I first read the stories when I was in a Japanese film class in 2011, and enjoy them ever since.  I still possess the textbook, and occasionally re-read the stories at leisure.  I will remove the following paragraphs if there’s any copyright issue. Thanks!

Rice Cakes

A healer and his medium were called to take care of someone who had been possessed by a spirit.  As soon as the healer had gotten the spirit over into the medium, it explained, “Curses aren’t really my line at all!  I am just a fox who happened to come by.  I live with my little ones over among the tombs, and they’re hungry.  I came because I thought you might have food here.  If you’ll give me some rice cakes I’ll be on my way.”
The household served up a nice platter of rice cakes, which the medium ate with happy exclamations about how delicious they were. “That woman!” the people grumbled. “She just faked the possession to get those cakes!”

“Now if you’ll be kind enough to give me some paper,” the fox continued, “I’ll wrap up the rest and be off with them to my family.”

The medium carefully wrapped up the cakes and put them into the front fold of her robe, where they made a good bulge all the way up to her bosom.

“Now dismiss me,” said the fox. “I’ll be going.”
“Be gone then, be gone!” the healer ordered.
The medium stood up and instantly collapsed.  When she got up again a little later there was nothing in the fold of her robe.

It was very strange how those rice cakes had disappeared.

