2014年4月12日 星期六


Angel的翻譯練習皆同步發表在黑心湖和First time for everything這兩個部落格。












另外,因鐮倉時代佛教興盛的緣故,文末的priest我覺得是佛寺的住持的機率比較高,比較不太可能是日本神道的祭司。再加上女孩的父母要將骨灰分放在兩個佛寺,故pray over the remains應是委託出家僧人。

-國鳳  April 12, 2014

The following story is an excerpt from Japanese Tales by Royall Tyler, page 162 (1987, first edition).  I first read the stories when I was in a Japanese film class in 2011, and enjoy them ever since.  I still possess the textbook, and occasionally re-read the stories at leisure.  I will remove the following paragraphs if there’s any copyright issue. Thanks!



Sick with love for a boy, a girl in Kamakura confessed her trouble to her mother.  The mother, who knew the boy’s parents, immediately arranged for him to visit her daughter sometimes, but he all but ignored the girl and hardly even came.  In the end the girl died.  Her grieving parents put her ashes in a box and prepared to send them off to a certain temple in Shinano.

Next, the boy became ill too, and went so thoroughly mad that he had to be shut up in a little room.   Hearing him talk in there, his parents peeked in through a crack.  He was talking to a large snake.

When the boy died, his body was placed in a coffin, for burial on the mountain nearby.  At the funeral a large snake was found coiled around his body, right in the coffin, and the two were buried together.

Before sending their daughter’s ashes to Shinano, the girl’s parents opened the box to take out some which they wanted to deposit in a temple in Kamakura.  They discovered that their daughter’s bones had turned into little snakes, or were in the process of doing so.

They told the whole story to the priest they asked to pray over the remains, and the priest passed it on to his colleagues.  It happened in the 1270s, within the last ten years.  I know the names of the people involved but would rather not record them here.

image via amazon.ca

